The Essential Guide to Crafting Product Photos that Convert on Amazon

Salman G. Samar
10 min read
collection of photography equipment and drawing tools on flat surface

Product photography is an artful science. While there's no one-size-fits-all recipe for creating a beautiful picture, there are certain guidelines you should follow to keep your product photos from being rejected by Amazon and to get the most out of your investment in professional photography.

On Amazon, your main objective is to get your customers interested enough in your product that they place an order with you rather than another seller. And the most effective way to do this is through photos of your products—not some crappy cell phone shots or stock images that look like they were taken by someone who didn't care about their job very much at all.

Amazon product photography requirements:

If you're selling products on Amazon, it's important to adhere to the platform's product photography requirements. These guidelines ensure that customers have a consistent and high-quality shopping experience, and following them can help your products stand out in the crowded online marketplace.

Any image you upload must accurately represent the product you're selling and must match the product title. 

Amazon product photo size:

To provide the best zoom experience on product detail pages, it is recommended to use images that are 1600 pixels or larger on the longest side. Using zoom can help increase sales, so it's worth striving for this size if possible. If it is not possible to meet this requirement, the minimum size for zoom is 1000 pixels, and the minimum size for the website is 500 pixels. The maximum size on the longest side is 10,000 pixels.

However, we strongly recommend sticking to the smallest size possible as there is really no need to upload big files. 

Amazon product photo format:

Accepted formats:

  • JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg)
  • TIFF (.tif)
  • PNG(.png)
  • GIF (.gif)

Preferred format by Amazon: JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg)

Keep in mind that Amazon's servers don't support animated .gifs

General rules for Amazon product images:

  • Product must fill at least 85% of the images
  • Must accurately represent the product that is for sale and match the product title
  • Images must not be blurry or pixelated.
  • The use of Amazon logos, trademarks, or badges is strictly prohibited.

Rules for products MAIN image:

  • It must have a pure white background (RGB values of 255, 255, 255).
  • Must be photos of the actual product without the use of excluded accessories.
  • Must not include multiple views of a single product.
  • Must show the whole product and not be cut off at any point with the exception of Jewelry.
  • The use of text, logos, borders, or any other graphic is strictly prohibited.
  • All kids and baby clothing must be shown off-model
  • Main images of shoes must show a single shoe, facing left at a 45-degree angle.

Some categories (like clothing in particular) have extra image standards, so be sure to consult your category style guide as well. To see the full guide to Amazon Fashion guidelines, click here.

Keep in mind that these guidelines may change over time, so be sure to check the Amazon seller website regularly to stay up to date on the latest requirements.

Different types of photography for Amazon

There are a few different types of photography that are commonly used in Amazon e-commerce, each with its own unique purpose and considerations. Don't forget that all of these images have to follow the guidelines mentioned above.

Main image:

For the main product image on Amazon, it is recommended to have a photo of a single product on a white background that fills up most of the frame (around 85%). In addition to the main image, it is allowed to have additional images for different colors or variations of the product, as well as up to 8 alternate shots.

These images can be helpful for showcasing the product from different angles or in use.

Different angles:

Multiple photos of different angles of the product are pretty critical and must follow the main image closely and it’s a non-negotiable must-have as it helps provide a more well-rounded image of a product.

Group image and close-up shot:  

Depending on your product, one of the alternate images can be a group image of a series of products, a collection, or a color spectrum. Also, it's always a good idea to have a close-up shot no matter the quality of your product as it reduces your return rates and helps you build trust. -- If you are selling cheap jewelry, it's OK to show the small imperfections to mold expectations.

On the other hand, if you're selling premium products, you'll need a lot of close-up shots to demonstrate the high quality of the product and the intricate design.

Lifestyle images:

Lifestyle images are photos that show a product being used or in a specific setting. These images may include props, sets, or even models, and are intended to help shoppers see how the product might fit into their own lives and form an emotional connection with it.

Lifestyle images can be a powerful tool for helping shoppers visualize the product and how it might be used.

Infographics & Product details:

One way to provide more information about a product on Amazon is to use both text and images. This can help to clarify and visually represent the written information. In addition, using size charts and comparison photos, as well as graphics that show proper usage or assembly instructions, can be effective for increasing conversions. These types of images can help shoppers understand more about the product and how it can be used.

Before and afters/comparisons:

Some products help us in everyday life by changing how something looks or feels. Think hair straightener, bread maker, etc. It's always a great idea to include a before/after shot in these instances or maybe even compare your product to others on the market.

Amazon Product Photography Tips:

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, usually they are right! More often than not, our decision making process for buying a product or not almost completely depends on if the product is visually appealing. 

Now that you know the guidelines and the different types of product photography for Amazon, here are some tips to help you get started with your product photography:

  1. Always have a plan:
    If you're selling only one product on Amazon, it's quite easy to plan and take photos. However, most sellers are selling multiple items on Amazon. In this case, branding is more important than ever. You'll have to stay consistent with your brand values and visuals across all your product images. Think about logo, photos, color schemes, etc.
  2. Does size matter?
    Whether you have a small product or a big one, the photography should be adjusted accordingly. Remember, you can't have too much white space in your photos, and if you have a big product, maybe some small features will be out of focus in your photos. To address this, use all 8 possible images you can upload to your listing with the different types of photography we introduced above.
  3. Tripod and lights:
    These two should be your best friends! Photography is mostly about understanding light rather than the gear you're using. Lighting can change the most boring of photos and make them look glamorous! It doesn't even need to be expensive lighting gear. If you understand lighting, you can make great photos using sunlight and a small reflector! Always use a tripod when you're taking photos. Most of the time, the small shakes won't be visible until you upload them to your listing. Also, you'll always find yourself adjusting the product and light while taking photos, so it's always a good idea to use a tripod so you can focus on product placement. 
  4. Understanding Color:
    Your main image has to have a white background, but what about the rest of the photos? Pastel colors make great backdrops for baby product images for example. In addition, sometimes you're using props or additional products to accompany yours, so make sure you already have a color scheme for that!
  5. Image placement:
    You get to upload 8 images. However, our attention usually wears off after seeing the first 2-3 images. That's just our human nature. So make sure to place your photos accordingly. Remember that each following picture will get fewer and fewer views.
  6. Split testing (A/B testing):
    Sometimes we think too much about how our photos should look. You might follow all the guidelines and tips we mentioned and you still might not see good results. That's why you should always track the performance of your listing using Amazon's built-in tools. Sometimes the photos you never imagined will resonate the most with the people searching for your products and the ones you believed would perform the best would show opposite results. To be brutally honest, you shouldn't base your decisions on your own opinions. Instead, use split testing, or A/B testing to try different versions of your images to make your setting yourself up for success. Amazon already has split testing tools available so make sure to take advantage of them.
  7. Editing your images:
    Taking the photos is actually only half the job! Editing the images is arguably as important as taking the photos as well. 

There are a few reasons why editing product photos is important:

  1. Improved appearance: Editing product photos can help to improve their overall appearance by correcting lighting and color issues, removing blemishes or distractions, and enhancing the product's features. This can make the product more appealing to potential customers and increase the chances of a sale.
  2. Consistency: Editing product photos can help to create a sense of consistency among your product listings. By using the same editing techniques and style across your photos, you can create a cohesive brand image and make it easier for customers to recognize your products.
  3. Compatibility: Editing product photos can also help to ensure that they are compatible with the Amazon platform. By optimizing your photos for size, resolution, and other requirements, you can ensure that they are displayed correctly and provide a seamless shopping experience for customers.

There are a lot of ways to edit your images. You can use Adobe Lightroom Classic or CC. Or you can also use mobile apps like Snapseed, Lightroom's mobile version, or hundreds of other apps out there!

Picture perfect profits: Invest in professional product photos for maximum impact.

Just as with any other e-commerce platform, successfully marketing products on Amazon requires a thorough understanding of the platform's rules and best practices. This includes tasks such as setting competitive pricing, crafting compelling product descriptions, defining clear delivery and return policies, and positioning the product against competitors. These are just a few of the many mission-critical tasks that sellers need to manage in order to succeed on the platform.

However, the use of high-quality product images can act as a continuous catalyst for sales, while inferior imagery can result in permanent commercial failure. From the perspective of the consumer, subpar images convey a lack of care and professionalism

To position your Amazon store for success, prioritize investing in professional product images while tackling other tasks yourself. Is it possible to DIY yourself through product photography? Ask yourself, when was the last time you saw a DIYed photo on the front page of Amazon or any other platform? Maybe 10 years ago you could've made it work. But in this era of marketing, if you're not getting professional photography done, you're just falling behind the rest.

However, on the plus side of things, since you get a small batch of SKUs when you start selling on Amazon, you'll have time to get to know the platform and how everything works. This allows you to become a master of Amazon and allows you to allocate a proportionate amount of marketing funds towards professionally produced product images and directly observe the impact on sales.

High-quality images show off your product's best features and drive sales. So get in touch with us and get your professional product photography done in less than 8 business days for a flat rate, or simply complete the intake form.

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June 20, 2023